Hi there! If you're reading this, chances are you are either catching up on saved posts, my picture or post title intrigued you, you are a loyal reader (thank you! thank you!), or I'm about to lose you in 3... 2... 1... Are you still here? I hope so, because today I want to share
Making Time for You: Evenings
Aloha, friends! As we continue to invest in making time for ourselves, let's now focus on being intentional with those precious moments. In my last post, I offered some tips on how create those ME TIME moments in the morning. How has it been going for you so far? I still find it a bit
Making Time For You: Mornings
Mornings are hard. I get it. And to get our "Me Time" in the morning? Why, that's nearly impossible! We've all heard great ideas and read great articles on how to make mornings easier. But you know, these theories and advice are all great...until it comes time to put it into practice. This week my
Making Time for You: Why “Me Time” Matters
It's the same every Monday. I wake up groggily as my phone reminds me I hit the snooze button 9 minutes ago. Grabbing my glasses and a rubber band from the night stand, I glance over at my sleeping 6 year old. She is nestled snuggly in her fleece blanket and I want nothing more