Dear 2018, I'm afraid our honeymoon period is now over. We've officially concluded the first 10 days of 2018. The holiday decor has been returned to storage, and kids are back in school. The alarm clocks have been turned back on (in my case, this happened on Tuesday, so we were LATE to school on
What’s the Word on 2018?
Happy New Year, Beautiful Friends! I'm so excited to finally get this new year rolling...on January 2! For those of you who follow my Instagram, you know that a pretty bad migraine plagued my New Year's day festivities, leaving me in bed until at least 10 in the morning, and not letting up until later
When Our Hearts are Too Full to Stand
Do. Not. Fear. Those words are written numerous times in the Bible. So many, in fact, that there could be a different scripture provided for every day in the year in which God guides us through worry, anxiety, and fear. God says "Do Not Fear." Instead, He instructs us to be strong and courageous. We
Heart Check: Reducing Clutter, Restoring Peace
Are you in a season of clearing the clutter? Everywhere I look I seem to be getting messages on how best to clean and clear, how to become a minimalist, or the importance of getting rid of things before Christmas is here. Just me, or you too? It seems that even our social feeds and inboxes