Do you bribe your children? It's okay, I won't tell anyone. I fully admit that, although I'm not too fond of any "reward" type system, bribery sometimes works. At least that's the plan. Some people call it allowance. Some call it commission (yes, I'm referring to Dave Ramsey). All in all, it's a straight up
Going on Six : 14 : Carpool
The car. Another word for "remote, mobile bedroom." Seriously though, what is up with kids and cars? It's almost as if their life's ambition is to get that back seat (and flooring) covered with as many books, toys, broken crayons, crumpled pieces of paper, and dirt from every place known to man. I don't think
Going on Six : 3 : Sleep
For a couple of months now, my little one has been scared to go to sleep by herself. She insists on camping out with her brother or sister in the living room, or with her sister on the floor of her room. More often than not, she finds her way into my bed, which, on
Going on Six : 13 : Sisters
This wasn't the post I was intending to write today, but as with most things based on the littlest Tanaka, things often go in an unexpected direction. My two girls are separated by 21 months, so at the moment I have a six year-old and seven year-old. My son is eleven, so being an older