I’ve never really been great at letting things go. Mementos and countless sentimental items definitely have planted themselves in my home, but it’s not only those little knick-knacks that wriggle their way into every bit of open space available. Piles of already paid bills mixed in with school notices from my teenage son’s elementary school
Author: Jenn
How I Found Strength in My Own Missteps
I missed my steps this morning. It’s not an official New Years resolution or anything, but anytime I start a new week, month, or year, I try to hit the restart on some of those “good habits” worth building. Habits like going to bed on time, drinking enough water, and moving my body every hour.
Letting Go of the New Year
There's nothing quite like trying to do a little research on the internet before the New Year begins...especially if that research has to do with working out and losing weight. It's a wonder that anyone can get past the "get thin quick" schemes and personalized meal plan memberships and find a safe and effective workout
In the Wake of the Storm… or Introducing the Diary of a Wimpy Christian
A new year. Gosh, many of us can't wait for the new year to begin. We are definitely ready for a fresh start after the year of 2020. And while I'm certainly feeling the same feels as many of you, I find myself looking forward to 2021 with cautious optimism. Sure, it might be skepticism